Suggestion for memory palace firmware

Ty 4 link - makes perfect sense, I see why they’re broken apart. Still be nice if could utilize that trigger for freeze- oh well, just have to use a CV - MIDI which I happen to have :joy::muscle:

Thanks for taking the time to explain Chad & Wednesdayday, much appreciated

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I’d like a configuration option to be able to offset outputs by variable numbers of pixels towards the left.

When you do further analog processing on your outputs, they move to the right due to the time taken to get the signal through the circuit. If you are compositing based off luma or alpha, this can leave you with a drop shadow to the right. I regularly key off luma or alpha.

I see this with the Visual Cortex keyer and the Cadet Keyer. I haven’t tried the FKG3.
Due to the higher frequencies of HD, I’m guessing that this will be more apparent.
Maybe this could also be a worthwhile option for the TBC2 luma output.

Memory Palace could be adjusted to pre-compensate for downstream analog processing.

(at least, I think this is what is going on)


Remembered during my set last weekend that the Scan mode I would really like to have more control over, or at least be able to set it much slower than now, and maybe set a range somehow. For now my workaround is just using an LFO CV input, but would be great if the internal scan mode was more usable.

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Have you looked into the menu for that slider? You can set three ranges for the speed. If the slowest isn’t slow enough, maybe we can adjust those ranges in the next firmware.

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I’m I right in thinking that a HD output on the MemPal would require a hardware revision for future releases and not available in a firmware update for current owners. Please forgive my ignorance if this an obvious question to everyone else.

Yes, I think you are correct. ESG3 or Chromagnon would be required for HD output from Memory Palace.

or maybe HD via the HDMI port?

I’m confused by this. If MP is potentially unable to sync to different sync timings other than NTSC/PAL, then the way you’d get it into HD LZX land would be through an upscaler, which appears to be either TBC2 or Chromagnon’s built-in TBC/upscaler.

How would ESG3 which is basically just a sync generator/encoder allow you to put Memory Palace into HD timing unless MP would be able to natively support those HD timings anyway?

Following the line of conversation, isn’t that what they were referring to?
That a hardware revision for MP to process HD signal would also need to be accompanied by HD sync gen

Thank you, I have a Chromagnon on order, so I can try it out when that arrives. I’ve come to video from eurorack, so a lot of concepts in the video signal chain/format etc are very foreign to me.

If I run Chromagnon into the MemPal via the 1v io, then it would be scaled down, right? If I run the MemPal into the Chromagnon then the Chromagnon will upscale? I couldn’t mix these signals together in a mixer, because they would be different standards right?

At the moment I’m only manipulating still images in the MemPal, via the sensory translator and a Hermod, so I still only really have a theoretical concept of processing video.

Check out what inputs and outputs are on Chromagnon. There are composite/component I/O and then 3.5mm LZX 1V I/O. The RCA jacks for the composite/component IO have the sync signal embedded within them. The LZX 1V signals do not–they are just wideband 1V signals with none of the additional video signals required for display on a device.

So with that in mind, there is no upscaling/downscaling involved if you are taking Chromagnon’s 3.5mm RGB outputs into Memory Palace’s 3.5mm RGB inputs. However, they must both be synchronous to each other on the same video format or your images will scroll. Chromagnon generates and syncs to 15 different video formats, ranging from SD to HD. What we don’t know yet from LZX is if Memory Palace will natively support syncing to video formats other than NTSC/PAL.

As an example of theory, let’s say that Memory Palace is ‘stuck’ at NTSC/PAL timings. It generates NTSC/PAL and can sync to external NTSC/PAL signals but no other formats. That doesn’t mean you can’t use Chromagnon and Memory Palace together. You would just set Chromagnon to NTSC/PAL and sync Memory Palace to it (or vice versa) and the RGB I/O between the two would work perfectly.

What could potentially be an issue in this theoretical scenario is if you want to have Chromagnon in 1080i30 video timing as your primary sync generator and then sync Memory Palace to it. Memory Palace, assuming NTSC/PAL only compatibility until it’s otherwise confirmed, would not be able to sync directly to a 1080i30 video format and the RGB outputs from Chromagnon into Memory Palace would scroll on the output.

To illustrate more, you could take Memory Palace’s composite output (or any NTSC/PAL signal) and feed it into Chromagnon’s TBC. Memory Palace would then be upscaled/downscaled to whatever Chromagnon’s video format timing is set to (assuming not NTSC/PAL). You would not be able to patch the RGB outputs from Chromagnon into Memory Palace or vice versa because they’re still not talking the same video timing format. If you’re monitoring from the encoder on Memory Palace here, Chromagnon’s RGB outputs into Memory Palace would scroll or just look like total nonsense.

The opposite in this scenario, i.e. plugging Chromagnon’s composite/component outputs into Memory Palace directly, isn’t possible because Memory Palace does not have an input amp / TBC / scaler. You’d want to use TBC2 in that case.

For the mixer bit, it entirely depends on whether you have scalers on its inputs. For instance, a V-4 absolutely will not take a 1080i30 signal but a V-40HD will up/downscale most common video formats in SD/HD handily. Does that answer your questions?

I’m sure we’ll hear more about whether Memory Palace can support other timings than NTSC/PAL at the time it’s confirmed. Other than that, we’re all just speculating. :slight_smile:


Thank you so much for taking the time to write this. It makes a lot more sense now. I wasn’t aware that the 1v signal didn’t have the clock embedded. I’ve always seen sync gen as the clock sync in audio gear, akin to a ‘pulse per quarter note’ etc, but you wouldn’t hear that signal in the audio. This is what I struggle with, but that’s probably me trying to force a concept in my head.

Thanks again anyway. Food for thought.


This has not been confirmed, yet. It will certainly be explored.


Thanks, I have been using the lowest speed “walk” setting for everything since I got my two. Double checked again yesterday. I think everything that has speed settings could using two more slower options, crawl and snail. Very slow movement is great with MP and for now I can only use external modulation for finely controlled slow speeds.


Still think being able to set a range on the internal scan function would be great too. Using external cv and the cv input control works well for doing ranges for now though.


Would love it if Reflect and Mirror mode would do proper order of interlacing. It adds nasty stair steps to anything that is reflected or mirrored upside down at the moment due to flipping the interlacing improperly. See it in this video, you can see the image smooth on the normal, and stair steppy on the reflections.

Screen Shot 2022-05-26 at 5.35.24 PM


NEW UPDATE 2.0.2 [ firmware/ at master · lzxindustries/firmware · GitHub ]


@creatorlars “This one includes some fixes for progressive processing modes, and hopefully resolves” the above issue.

Is there a change log anywhere?

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It’s not a major release – a couple fixes, some resolution enhancements, and a new progressive mode (which should help with the interlacing artifacts)

v2.0.2 Change Log

  • Increased resolution on vertex calculations
  • Added progressive warp mode
  • NTSC underscan fix
  • Max file and directory count fix