Memory palace feature request: slideshow/cv triggered image change

hi there-

not sure where to put this, or if i’m breaking any rules by asking, but here goes:

i have a feature request that might be pretty useful and might not be too difficult to implement.
i want the still images on the memory place to change occasionally, like a slideshow, without actually having to push the button. it would also be cool if a relatively infrequent cv trigger could initiate a still image change.

is this possible? is this hard?

thanks for taking the time to read this.


I’ve been meaning to request a similar feature. I’d love to be able to sequence photos with a gate or trigger input. You’d start by selecting and ordering the images, and then turn on cv triggering.


This was actually a feature I requested during beta that Lars implemented and we tested. It was glitching, freezing, and causing all sorts of problems and I suspect that it actually bricked my test unit at one point. From what I understand, the still formatting needed to be tightened up for the production version to prevent any issues. At this point, maybe it could come back? I agree – it’s a great feature.

Here’s a vid I made using the experimental still sequence function during beta. The stills are from a gradient collection I made that I think might be floating around somewhere. The sequence is a loop of 10ish stills that’s being cycled by a pulse LFO into the trigger input. You can see from the monitor that the patterns are concentric squares, but they’re glitched on the MP display. I was testing the output for use as a displacement texture for vector rescanning.


Interesting. Hopefully, that feature will reappear in the next firmware update. I used the MP as part of my rig in a performance last week, and the lack of a good way to sequence images—or even a decent button to advance them— made the MP difficult to use.


i had an event yesterday where i manually triggered the images periodically. its a decent workaround, but i would really like to automate this so i can focus on other tasks. i’m glad to hear there’s some interest in this feature!

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Getting ready for another show this Friday, and a big limitation is having to click through every image in alphabetical order–the lack of random access. Apart from a sequencing feature, it would be great if you could assign the AUX slider to preview all the images in a folder, and once you choose an image, the AUX button would trigger the change.

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i second that request

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I second this request. For integrating video into my audio set, I’m looking for a much more hands-off (i.e. CV-controllable) approach than many LZX modules are offering. Being able to trigger image changes, or possibly voltage address the images, would make me much more interested in buying a Memory Palace.

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Yes, we can definitely add this feature. Basically what we need is a stills looper with a variable frame rate control. The guts of the system are being rewritten right now, so I can’t release incremental updates – but will have a huge update sometime in November.


wooooo!!! thank you!!!

Great–thanks for the update! Another issue I’m having during performances is menu diving to set up multiple parameters–any chance there;s going to be a general preset feature in the big update? If I could do all my setups in advance and easily call up presets–that would be fantastic.

Yes, every parameter will have a default offset that can be saved and restored as user presets. And a way to dump current slider positions to the offset defaults is planned. So when you’re scrolling through presets, you’ll zero out your sliders and they will function as additional offsets to stored defaults (or can be individually disabled.)