Another suggestion it’s an effect for the loop of painting animation from the start
Hi, I’ve just got a Memory Palace from the rogue batch that popped up the other week. Yeah!!!. It’s on 2.0.1 and I have noticed that a lot of the text is black on a rich Sahara yellow background.
I’ve been finding that difficult to read because it is relatively low contrast. I find the white on black to be easier to read.
I appreciate that you might have made the choice because lower contrast is less jarring in dark performance environments. I also appreciate that any choice will not work for all eyes.
This isn’t a stopper for me. It just means that I need to grab a pair of specs, first, but that type of change would make my personal experience a bit easier (or maybe switch to a lighter shade of yellow).
Also, would you consider putting some subtitles on to the Johnny Woods MemPal videos to say what the equivalent V2.0.1 mode settings are? That would make it a bit easier to follow.
These are good suggestions.
I believe that V20 will have menu color scheme options (possibly customizable).
Also, there will be a V20 firmware walkthrough video (hopefully hosted by the popular J. Woods).
The next MemPal firmware will have to wait for TBC2 and Chromagnon completion, hopefully this fall.
i’m playing around in paint mode today on v2.0.1 and have run into a bit of confusion with the clear function which can hopefully be addressed in the coming update. according to the v19 thread here, as of v19 the clear button no longer clears the buffer. in v2.0.1, the clear button does indeed clear the buffer. which is cool! presumably re-implemented after complaints about the disappearance of such a useful function.
and now for the confusing bit: when i map the trigger input to clear and send it a trigger, nothing happens. or rather, something happens, but not the thing that happens when i press the clear button. using a trigger to activate clear only deactivates freeze if it is active, but if freeze is off the trigger does nothing. not sure if this is intended behavior or what, but it is quite confusing as there does not seem to be a voltage-controlled way of clearing the buffer completely. the only way to completely clear the buffer is with a manual press of the clear button when freeze is not active, or a double-press of clear when freeze is active (once to turn off freeze, once to clear the buffer).
even though this seems counterintuitive in my current patch i can see how this “clear freeze only” feature would come in handy. perhaps in a future firmware there could be an additional menu option when trigger is mapped to clear - one which toggles between “clear freeze only” and “clear buffer only” and “clear freeze + buffer” (1st trig clears freeze if active, 2nd trig clears buffer) modes.
Thank you for identifying that trigger mapping issue. Clearing the buffer by triggering Clear makes more sense than deactivating Freeze.
I would love to be able to select different output options for the Y output, such as
- the key’s alpha mask, or its inverse
- the luma of the input RGB
- alpha input passthrough
- animation-rate CV based on a selectable front-panel parameter. Seems especially useful for the X and Y position or parameters that can self-animate, such as Rotation/Hue/Center when Spin/Colorize/Scan are engaged.
sometimes when in warp mode and alpha keying with an external input the memory palace output flickers/stutters briefly and then the horizontal offset of my key is leftward shifted by approximately a quarter inch or more on my 24" display. power cycling once usually fixes it, but sometimes it requires multiple power cycles before the key displays properly. i am decoding an external source into visual cortex which is the sync daddy, and memory palace is the first sync baby.
I’d like to be able to save screenshots into a specific media folder.
This would be really handy for storing ramps that took a lot of crafting, or just for sharing the Memory Place output.
I’d like to see a -1v option on the CV ins (invert). I assume this would be trivial to make reality.
What is the current output resolution for the Memory Palace? Is it likely to be bumped up to HD or is that not possible due to hardware limitations? Will there be a run of Memory Palace again? I’d love to get one but they’re just impossible to find, new or used. I feel its exactly what I’m looking for and could replace a whole bunch of my outboard gear.
Memory Palace outputs the standard NTSC/PAL resolutions via both its CVBS and DVI-D outputs. HD resolution via the latter is being investigated. Memory Palace is will receive a design revision this year to allow it to share parts with TBC2 and Chromagnon, thus making production more efficient.
It’d be cool to have the gate/trigger input be assignable any button
This is the way it currently works. You can assign the gate/trigger input in the menu.
WHAT, no way! Well that’s perfect.
Where in the menu do you assign it?
System → Trigger
It’s so fun to be able to rhythmically trigger certain features.
Seems to be broken for “Freeze” - just turns freeze on and a second trigger doesn’t turn it back off. All the others work as expected, rad!
Least in my current patch (ghost mode, RGB, alpha, alpha)
Correct, that’s how Freeze works. Every time it is triggered it freezes the last two seconds in buffer memory. The Clear button releases the frozen frames.
Is there a technical reason that it needs to utilize a second “clear” button as opposed to just pressing it again to release? If not I have a feature request
Maybe I’m not understanding how freeze is used in a performance setting - I’d want to beable to trigger it on & off.
Edit: Oh wait I think I get it
Exactly! You want to freeze something and be able to scrub through the frozen frames until the next thing you want to freeze comes up. That way you can remain in the frozen zone. So your trigger input can let you grab sets of frames rhythmically.
Triggering the Clear button externally allows you to clear the buffer rhythmically.
Perhaps a future firmware could allow you to rearrange how Freeze and Clear interact, so you could freeze/unfreeze with a single trigger pulse.
here is our MP paint walkthrough the freeze/clear combo is fully explained here.
it makes painting patches so much better to have them broken apart in this way.
although I bet if long presses or double presses were implemented in software…it would be easy enough to operate it with just one button.
this is the kind of thing I’m super excited about doing when/if the software opens up for MP.