As promised, we have a new version of Memory Palace firmware for you all to try. At this time, there are some rough edges and still a lot of work to do. We plan to have V19 wrapped up at the same time TBC2 ships, since they will share a common code base. If you’re happy with the current firmware and don’t want to disturb any projects or performances in progress, you should stick with V18 until we get to that point.
BUT! If you’re anxious for some really powerful new features and performance improvements and want to be part of the refinement process, jump on board the V19 train and help us out. We’ll keep this thread updated with a known issues list and welcome your feedback or bug reports as comments here.
Is this anything like displacement mapping / remapping? I’ve used both in ffmpeg with happy results, but not realtime, live use. I’d love to see this done in an Orion module - so, could this be it?
Moving this post here: cburst 14h
I was just watching the Jones framebuffer DVD from the ETC ‘Early video instruments’ set. One interesting feature is the ability to add a single image into a specific frame of the frame buffer (i.e., frame 12/30, repeating once each second). I’m going to start trying the new memory palace firmware beta today, but I was wondering if the ability to insert a frame into the framebuffer is a possible future firmware feature.
Finally got my MEMPAL upgraded and loving it. Found a bug with the DVI output, recording DVI/HDMI > HDMI input on Intensity Shuttle (Thunderbolt). Anyone else having this issue?
Does the A/B button still work? Trying to set it up to toggle between Luma and Chroma keying but I can’t seem to. I didn’t use the A/B functionality heavily in V18 so it could be user error.
I installed it a few days ago, I barely had the chance to use it, really. but what I miss about original v18 firmware is the first screen that kind of lets you know all the stats about everything. working live that’s a huge help, because having to navigate through all the menus to check everything on a screen that small in the middle of doing a live set it’s not ideal…
Maybe would be cool continue w a stats screen as the topmost level - where there’s no changeable params, just the various params & what their respective values be.
Another vote for a ‘dashboard’ view option. That said with the new zeroing and snap to value functionality, I did it less necessary than the shipping version.
Dashboards are definitely the plan! The GUI design we’re fleshing out has a dashboard style view of main sections from the home screen (so on the home page, you’ll be able to toggle between a few different dashboard overviews, which you can then “enter” to edit parameters on the sub page.)