Memory Palace V19 Firmware Release March 2020

Zero risk if connecting via USB, slightly riskier if removing the MicroSD (but still low risk).

^yes that would be me damaging my MP by removing the MicroSD card! It was stuck and wouldn’t dislodge when I tried pushing/removing so I thought it was a ‘pull’ instead of locking. That damaged the locking mechanism. yeah so now my MP is sitting at LZX awaiting repair!! So might want to just try the USB route :slight_smile:

i have a question about stills and the memory palace firmware.
will it ever be possible to use a parameter (e.g., aux or delay) to scroll through stills while in warp mode?

I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised with the upcoming firmware.


What’s the estimated eta on that?

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can’t wait! beta working great btw!

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I’m not sure if this has been brought up anywhere else before, but the X mirror is never centered on a 4:3 screen, even when using MP in 4:3 mode. Being able to offset this manually in the options would be handy.

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Centering is definitely in the discussions.


My update experience:
I went for the SD card right away and wasn’t ware that the sdcard holder needs a push in of the card in order that it comes out again. I applied some force (not much) until I realized how it works.

The boot afterwards failed stuck on line “media ok” until I set the sync to internal and then on “frame 1 ok”. Pushing the red and yellow button lead to an SD card error. Pushing the boot SD button on the back lead to a black screen.

I pushed the sd card on the back in several times and appied some force in the direction of insertion on the little clip that holds it. Since then the Mempal boots normal again.

Please add some red cap note in the update manual about the sd card slot if others can confirm this issue!!! It might happen to others as well.

^You’ll notice my posting earlier where I damaged!! Still in the LZX shop awaiting repair. Just go the USB route honestly. I think it’s safer and don’t have to bother removing the module from your rig to access the microSD card.

Hey there, I noticed in my DJ stream this weekend, that y Symmtery is inverting not just the image but also the field dominance order too in some cases. So as seen here the lower y mirror still image has stair stepping the the upper does not.

Anyone else encounter this? Something that could be improved in future firmware I wonder?

In relation to symmetry, several others have already mentioned the Y being lower than middle of frame with Memory Palace. I also noticed X being off center, and generally have to fix it with a slight scale and reposition of 20-23 pixels. But the X off center seems to happen with all my various brands of synths and video mixers, so better not to change the X, but looking forward to the Y position update. =)

How’s the beta v2.0.1 coming along? I haven’t tried it yet waiting for official consumption.

The beta works great. You should try it out. Updating is very easy. Simply put the BIN file into either the SD or internal drive and select UPDATE FIRMWARE in the System menu.

Oh really? You don’t have to do the usual firmware update process involving a PC?

You will have to connect via USB or remove the MicroSD card to add the new BIN file to either the card or internal drive.

Updated to v2.0.1! USB route is the easiest and preferred here!


Is there an overview anywhere over what’s new in the beta firmware? I just loaded it up, but can’t immediately see anything different.

The Beta just fixes bugs present in V19. The upcoming firmware will have lots of new features.

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Ah, ok, thanks! I still have a bit of a “jittery” image that I had on the last firmware as well when using the media loader as source - it’s like there’s an ever so slight movement going on with the aspect ratio or something. But I’ll try it out some more tonight, see if maybe there’s some setting I have on that’s causing it.

The beta definitely doesn’t solve all of the bugs in V19. Lars is investing a ton of time into V20 official to make sure there aren’t any future issues.

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