now that even more people will combining two different resolution systems together I think it would be good to start discussing the creative possibilities of that kind of workflow.
so a good starter question is
how are you thinking about scaling SD to fit with HD?
I’m assuming the following for these examples
SD = 640 x 480
HD = 1920 x 1080
ffmpeg snippets included in case you want to try yourself.
no scaling, pad to 16:9 screen center
ffmpeg -i soul.mp4 -vf "scale=-1:480:flags=lanczos,setsar=1,pad=1920:1080:(ow-iw)/2:(oh-ih)/2" soulU.mp4
scale up to 1280 x 960 then pad to 16:9 screen center
ffmpeg -i a.mp4 -s 1280x960 -vf "scale=-1:960:flags=lanczos,setsar=1,pad=1920:1080:(ow-iw)/2:(oh-ih)/2" aU.mp4
scale up to 1440x1080 then pad to 16:9 screen center
ffmpeg -i a.mp4 -s 1440x1080 -vf "scale=-1:1080:flags=lanczos,setsar=1,pad=1920:1080:(ow-iw)/2:(oh-ih)/2" aU.mp4
640x480 cropped to 640x360 upscaled to 1920x1080 Fullscreen
ffmpeg -i -vf "crop=640:360,scale=1920:1080:flags=lanczos,setsar=1" bU.mp4
there are plenty of other options I’d love to hear any thoughts
you also have the other direction for creativity…
1920x1080 > center crop @ 640x480
ffmpeg -i -filter:v "crop=640:480" -c:a copy
1920x1080 > 4 quadrants @ 640x480 centered
ffmpeg -i -filter_complex "[0]crop=640:480:380:60[tl];[0]crop=640:480:1020:60[tr];[0]crop=640:480:380:540[bl];[0]crop=640:480:1020:540[br]" -map "[tl]" topleft.mp4 -map "[tr]" topright.mp4 -map "[bl]" bottomleft.mp4 -map "[br]" -c:a copy bottomright.mp4
Since TBC2 will allow for upscaling I’m wondering what kind of options we will have.
The V440 has been a great playground for SD<>HD workflows
this is a way of combing SD and HD together we hadn’t tried much before this week. We got a bunch recorded and are going to send it back through the system when TBC2 lands!