TBC2 for upscaling?

I would really like to get a nice 1920 x 1080 output from my rig, I have the TBC2 and I’m wondering if this is the best tool for the job, or should I try another solution? Should I try and just stick to the old school aspect ratio?
If TBC2 is a good option, how do I go about it?
Sorry for the lack of understanding, I hope I’m not talking nonsense :upside_down_face:


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You are definitely not talking nonsense.
I have been using TBC2 and ESG3 to upscale and process video. You need ESG3 in addition to TBC2 because your encoder has to be capable of outputting HD signals. It isn’t the cheapest way to upscale video, since you can always put a video upscaling and conversion box at the end of your chain. If you already have Visual Cortex and Memory Palace, I think upscaling at the end makes more sense. But if you want to build an video synthesizer capable of HD and use your older modules just for SD work, then buying TBC2 and ESG3 is the way to start.

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If you want to use TBC2 for upscaling, then your process would be this

Sync chain ESG3 → TBC2 → everything else

Set the DIP switches on ESG3 to your desired output format (e.g. 1080i59)

Set the “User Format” on TBC2 to the same format

Send your standard definition signal into TBC2

Now everything in your system is running at HD, and TBC2 is upscaling the SD source.

Be aware that currently TBC2 is not capable of converting interlaced to progressive without dropping half of the fields. Unless there’s a firmware update to support fields-to-frames conversion, you’ll want to make sure that the input and output formats are both interlaced.

It’s also recommended to keep the same frame rate to avoid dropped frames. Ideal scenario is NTSC 480i59 → 1080i59, or PAL 480i50 → 1080i50

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