Power connections

i am using these items for in the case distro:

bus bar - screwed into case (its wood, used screws included)

pre made tails- (could make your own, see last link)

im sure there are better 12v 2.1 hoodas but i felt these were decent copper quality (?)

JACK-- not the cheapest but it mates with a locking plug.


the bushing on this one is a little short IMHO so i use this NL d-series panel, with the RCA removed. - (loosen nut on rear to remove)
Neutrik NF2D-B-2 RCA Jack D-Series Red/Black.
You could use any d-sub rca or bnc size and be fine i think.

using the d-series is also nice because the connector then sits flush(ish) with the side of case and less chance of getting whacked off whilst being in your trunk or truck.

is supposedly a longer bushing but the specs place it same as the AS.

both take a dust cover :slight_smile:


-this connects with, if you want locking-
https://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/502-767KS17 (lg diameter cable)
https://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/502-767KS15 (med diameter cable)
https://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/502-767KS12 (small diam cable)

–cheaper ($2.00) not locking plug but still not the cheapest ( i have a few and cross threaded less than the CUI part on mouser for approx 1.30 or so.)
