Memory Palace V19 Firmware Release March 2020

The way to break the yellow & orange button loop is to use the “boot from microSD” button on the back. If you reached a black screen (with the module still receiving power) make sure you are set to internal sync and power cycle.

Whats the method for that, didn’t manage to have it running yet.

Just hold down the button on the back of the module while powering up. Make sure you are set to internal sync.

thanks for the input and help. but I’m just gonna stick this V.18 . This whole update thing was just giving me problems. It kept going to the SYSLOG page and kept telling me to format and restart over and over. I even did the boot from sd card and then it takes me back the the SYSLOG page all over again and takes me in that loop.

Im happy with this old firmware until they figure out a better way to update. Or at least make a detailed instruction on how to do update and if there is problems on how to trouble shoot it.

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I totally understand your desire to stick with V18. Sorry that V19 has been a hassle.
The firmware update instructions in the User Guide are working for most people, with the addition of following the SYSLOG prompt once, then using the “boot from microSD” button the next time.
If you are using a Mac, it may be necessary to remove and reformat the micro SD card and run CleanMyDrive2 befor installing V19.

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none of those instructions work.

I downloaded that cleanmydrive app and reformatted my card. Now the SYSLOG page the sd card does not even pop up.

I think that cleanmydrive app really messed up my sd card now.

Even after reformatting and coping the the zip folder of V19 onto it.
Tried doing the boot from sd card and it just goes to blank screen and nothing happens.

If I don’t do the boot from sd card then it just takes me to the SYSLOG loop.

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Do you have Memory Palace set to internal sync with nothing else plugged in?

Yes. i have it set on Internal sync with nothing plugged into the back.

So i was able to revert the Memory Palace to V18 again.

Here are the steps that I do:

  1. turn on memory palace
  2. go to screen that enable usb connection
  3. connect memory palace to computer
  4. load firmware onto the drive that pops up on computer
  5. make sure it overwrites old files
  6. after loaded on memory palace eject from computer
  7. disable usb access on memory palace
  8. Update firmware
  9. memory palace restarts to SYSLOG page
  10. Press yellow + orange buttons to format internal memory
  11. restart modular system with Internal sync switch on and nothing plugged in, also pressing boot micro sd button
  12. turns on with SYSLOG page with the message:


  1. turn on and same thing happens

Hello everyone. I’m so sorry it’s taken long to complete some missing instructions on this firmware update. The document posted below should clear up any confusion:

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I’ll drop in over here as well for those not interested in using the FB group.

I finally updated to v19 a few days ago and I’ll confirm experiencing the same issue. I’ve had it happen 3 or 4 times over the last two days.

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Do you mean that the media you are displaying disappears until you power cycle? Do the menu controls continue to function?

Yes, the image completely disappears and attempting to reload the file has no effect until the system is power cycled.

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That is very strange. I would expect overall functionality to completely lock up at that point.

I think we’ve found the issue in the V19 code. Firmware improvements are already in progress.
Thank y’all for finding these bugs. Please continue to share any issues you are having.


Do you mean that when you freeze an image in Paint mode, the Clear button doesn’t make it disappear?

It seems that in V19 Paint mode, Freeze doesn’t allow the frozen image to be painted over. When you press Clear, the painting resumes.

Is the Clear button working when you use the Freeze function? That would be the best way to check if your button is working correctly.

This is my experience also, I recall using this feature when I first got my Memory Palace, but have been keeping up with the beta releases and don’t think I’ve been able to use this since the first time I updated the firmware. After engaging FREEZE, the CLEAR button does toggle FREEZE off, so the button is working.

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Agreed. New MP user here… After watching that 2nd tutorial I definitely felt confused why that wasn’t working. I would certainly see the buffer clear feature being very useful.


Yes i m not able to clear the buffer anymore.
I think i’m going back to the previous OS.