I’m wondering if I’m missing something. Using Live to send MIDI to the MP via the TRS input.
I have control over the sliders (CC# 0 - 11) but can’t gain control over the Boolean/Switches.
I also can’t seem to get any data in to Live from the MP MIDI TRS output.
The current MIDI implementation is basic. MIDI channel can be selected from menu page 2. Select pinout for the TRS MIDI in/thru connectors on the rear of the module.
MIDI CC controls all slider positions, starting with the HUE parameter at CC#0 and ending with the Y POSITION parameter at CC#11. All parameters respond to 14-bit MIDI commands, with LSB on CC#32-43.
MIDI Notes starting with middle C control illuminated pushbuttons, with the AB button controlled by MIDI Note #60 thru the Scroll Y responding to MIDI Note #72.
@Z0NK0UT Thanks, I’m familiar with this info from the Memory Palace User Guide
As posted, I am getting control of the sliders (from Live to MP), but not of the push buttons. I have tried using both Live and MaxMSP to trigger the push buttons, from CC#60-71 but nothings happening?
Was this issue resolved for you, @Tundra_Tides ?
I’m having the same problem, that I can send CC messages to Memory Palace and see an effect, but I have no luck with sending notes to trigger the buttons.
I just upgraded to firmware 2.02, but no change.
Short answer - No.
I gave up and haven’t tried agan since, nor with the most recent firmware but looks like you’re having the same issue with the most recent update.
The limited MIDI functionality is a bit frustrating, as being able to externally automate (Ableton Live, Touch Designer) the sliders is awesome
Thanks for the update, @Tundra_Tides!
Too bad the MIDI doesn’t seem to work as documented. I hope @creatorlars can fix that in an update or explain what we’re doing wrong.