Double Vision in the UK

I’m about to jump into purchasing my first LZX modules and noticed the Double Vision System which looks perfect as a starting point. However, I haven’t seen it available in the United Kingdom.

I’m aware it’s just a collection of existing modules, so I could buy them all separately, but the bundle appears to be a lot cheaper (individual modules are coming to around £3500 and that’s without the cables and case that comes with Double Vision).

Are there any plans to release the bundle in the UK?

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I’m pretty sure you’ll be able to order it from one of the dealers - or direct from LZX for that matter… have you tried asking Signal Sounds or Elevator Sound?


I have contacted them both but no response yet.

I could order direct from LZX but then there’s the risk of having customs charges. Buying locally would avoid this.

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Not really the customs charges will just be built into the price instead of separate…

At the moment Double Vision production is very limited. We won’t be able to offer it to LZX dealers until we can build up a sufficient inventory.

Ah that’s a shame to hear but understandable. I think I’ll order direct from LZX, assuming that they’re currently available?

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Double Vision systems are built weekly, so it may take a week to 10 days to ship new orders.

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Rad, thank you. Time to make an order I think!

btw, with the included power supply is it one that has switchable plug adaptors or will I have to buy a UK one myself?

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The power supply does come with an international adapter kit.


Just wanted to say that my Double Vision System arrived today I’m already having a lot of fun with it. In the end, even with customs charges of about £400, it was cheaper than buying all of the modules individually from UK sellers (plus you get a rack and cables etc).


Waiting eagerly for my Double Vision to arrive. Looking forward to it so much.

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