Diver Firmware

Oh nice, what’s the Escher sketch firmware update add?


uh oh if Escher sketch is available I may be able to get myself setup to start participating!

Any idea how far off the big firmware update might be? Still dreaming of Diver’s oscillator mode

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Looks like we’ll be done with the TBC2 post release updates (bugfixes, and a few remaining features) some time in February. I’m still planning to update Diver when TBC2 development parks.


Got this installed last night on my Diver, after the STM32 package install, I also had to install Homebrew, and libusb (terminal command “brew install libusb”) to get process to work on my Mac, fyi for anyone else who tries this out. You’ll get a warning about libusb not found indicating you need to do this when running Upload. @dewb mentioned some folks maybe the STM32 package install will be enough on discord. :grin: :vulcan_salute:


Refactor firmware stoped responding after a couple power cycles, ended up on Platformio earlier build and it’s mostly stable. Have to power cycle it sometimes if it doesn’t boot correctly.

Hi Lars, just looking for an update on the Driver firmware revision. How goes it? I don’t see any previous updated firmware listed on the site, so I am assuming this is still a work in progress since TBC2 just got finalized a little while ago?


^TBC2 is not “finalized” I hope. Waiting for the below and hopefully 240p60 support. Haven’t heard anything on Diver or MP official firmware updates.

Firmware 1.1.0 - includes any new feature adds (Component proc amp, Screensaver, etc.)

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any chance on getting this thing fixed anytime soon? This is just a pita with a vidiot based setup and chromagnon still far away i really struggle with sync and freezing and shapes not being centered and its been a while now

Have you tried any of the user firmware variations since Lars made it open source?

Jep, both with mixed results. Still unstable, still freezes sometimes, some days it needs multiple powercycles to work at all, that annoying seam is still there, still no state save on powercycle.

Still syncing to Vidiot? If you can run a stronger sync through Vidiot for Diver to latch onto, you might have better luck.

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