Angles sync issue

Hi all,

Back with another noob question. I recently acquired an LZX system roughly equivalent to the Double Vision 168, with some Syntonie thrown in as well. Having a lot of fun so far, even if the learning process is a bit slow. Any good resources out there for beginners? Anyway, my main question is about what i believe is a sync issue with my Angles module (i’m not sure i 100% understand sync, so bear with me). Here’s what i’m experiencing - the outputs that create strictly horizontal gradients across the screen (2nd and 4th columns) work as i imagine they are supposed to, and in the manner shown in the videos I’ve seen. However, any other output causes the image to scroll from left to right on the screen. I have a Vidiot and this is very much like what happens when you turn one of the sync switches off, so that’s why i assume sync is the issue. i guess i’m confused as to why sync would work horizontally but not vertically (or is it the other way around)? I’ve checked the connections and everything seems to be good. The sync signal flow is ESG3 > DWO3 > DSG3 > Scrolls > Angles. Everything else in the chain, works fine (i think). i don’t currently have the out from Angles going anywhere, as I don’t believe I have any other modules that require sync. I’ve tried replacing the RCA cable between Scrolls and Angles, so i know it isn’t a bad cable. There are two power supply modules, could that be an issue? Anyway, any advice would be appreciated. Apologies for the long post, I just wanted to include as much info as possible. Thanks in advance.


Hello, Matt.
Congrats on the new system. It’s good to hear you are enjoying it so far.
I have a couple of questions that may illuminate the issue you are having. How is the system powered and which modules are sharing the supply?
Have you tried connecting Angles sync directly from ESG3, and skipping the other modules? It is always a good idea to test the problem module in isolation.

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