I ordered more prototypes to work on!
In this order, I have been working on several new things. Here’s the short list:
State Variable Filter
HL Filter
Attenuvert & Bias
Passive YRGB Switch (Wednesdayay suggestion)
More Quad Inverters
SHUTTER - 30 sets
Low Profile Passive Bus Boards
Long Descriptions:
State Variable Filter
This module accepts one Luma signal and two voltage control inputs. The Two VC inputs control Frequency cutoff as well as Quality of the filtering. They each may be modified with the attenuverter and bias knobs. If no inputs, The pots control a reference voltage which is normalled in the jacks.
The outputs include One All Pass (thru), Low Pass, High Pass, Band Pass and Band Reject output.
Testing may prove differently, but my calculations show that the frequency cutoff may be adjustable across a range of 0Hz to around 6MHz.
HL Filter
This filter outputs High Pass and Low Pass and has Voltage Control over the frequency cutoff. Just like the 8HP State Variable Filter, this one has Attenuation and Bias control of the VC input, but no Q control. I have two filter designs as to compare function versus HP width. Three of these side-by-side could be used for full RGB filtering in only 12HP.
This will have the same frequency range as the SVF.
This one is a little different. It accepts one or two luma inputs, mixes them together and offsets them by fixed DC voltages to alter thier brightness. The 6 outputs will offset the luma by +/-0.25v, +/-0.5v, and +/-0.75v
Attenuvert & Bias
Pretty straightforward. One set of RGB inputs, one set of RGB outputs, 6 knobs to attenuvert and 6 knobs to bias each signal independently. 8HP
Passive YRGB Switch (Wednesdayay suggestion)
@wednesdayayay brought up a need for a passive 1:2 RGB switcher. It was easy enough to design so I’ll be sending them a couple for free once they arrive. This one is cool because it can be rotated or even flipped depending on the user’s need. It can be used as a 2:1 or a 1:2 switcher and is completely passive.
More Quad Inverters
I’ll have some of these for sale when I make that shop page eventually. I even have a few built for sale as well.
SHUTTER - 30 sets
What everyone has been waiting for. I ordered the first set of 30 SHUTTER modules and will make a for sale thread once they arrive. As before, I will put the BOM and Build guide in the thread and will offer a few built.
Low Profile Passive Bus Boards
I just made these because I needed them. I am not sure if I’ll be selling them, but won’t turn people away if they ask.