An analog Blur effect for video synthesis.
This module uses a lowpass filter to achieve blur / softening trail type effects.
It has a blur amount potmeter, a gain adjustment to match/unmatch the blurred image to the dry signal when using CV and a switch for 3 different blur range settings.
There is an input jack, output jack and video rate CV control over DRY / WET (no effect / effect)
You can use this effect on all kinds of video shapes or video input signals for interesting results.
With camera feedback you can create (voltage controlled) soft trailing wash-outs and fades.
The CV input can be adjusted between 0-1v or 0-5v for easy interfacing with other eurorack modules.
Blur amount pot
Gain adjust pot (to match the dry signal to the blurred tint, or offset the gain for other effects)
Blur range > 3way switch (blur/blurry/extreme smear)
Input jack
CV over dry / wet signal
Output jack
4HP black panel
trimpot for cv range (0-1v to 0-5v) with testpad
trimpot for gain adjust
jumper for blur to white or blur to black* more on this in the upcoming buildguide
Note on parts:
This module has a few expensive parts, such as 1x LT1251 & 2x LM6172 and trimpots.
I’ll make a demo video soon!
Prices: ex shipping
PCB set: 35,- euro
Full kit: 135,- euro
Module: 160,- euro
Shipping is 15,- euro worldwide with tracking.
If you are interested, please reply with the amount and type (pcbs, kit or module)
This way I know how much parts I have to order. I have 30 pcb sets in stock. (more will be ordered later)
A few other projects will be released soon, shipping can be combined.
(3TrinsRGB output expander, 3trinsRGB triple comparator v6, XFADE)
Shipping info & currency & BOM link added in 1st post.
Here are three screengrabs.
the black and white ones are with keyed shapes into the CV input,
The color one is with camera feedback and blur on the red channel.
blur range on the ‘extreme’ setting