I just got the Ultra Studio Mini HD and when I connect it to the M1 Mac thunderbolt port, a pop-up message is telling me to connect it to the thunderbolt port.
The Desktop Video software doesn’t recognize the device as being connected.
I have allowed the Desktop Video to work from the security settings.
The computers OS and the Desktop Video are the latest versions.
Any ideas what might be wrong here or similar experiences?
what cable are you using? one it came with, a random usbc cable or a thundebolt33 cable?
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I got a proper cable and it detected the device and started working.
There is still something strange going on likely with the Desktop Video software as it defaults to PAL even if all the dip switches on the ESG3 and the Ultrastudio are set to 1080 25p, as are the settings in the Media Express software.
In the Desktop Video main menu the option for component is not lit up but more like muted-looking. As if it wasn’t selectable.
When 1080 25p is set as resolution in the Desktop Video settings menu the screen goes black.
I was using the Andor as source going into the TBC2 as I don’t have any HD sources to feed into it.
I’ve got this cheap box I ordered from Amazon that converts HDMI to component but I don’t know yet if it works for HD signal, probably not.
Will look into that more when I get home from work.
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yeah it’s confusing with usbc and thunderbolt cables being so similar (except the colour) all ny usbc cables are white and my thundebolt 3 cable is b;ack thankfuly so no confusion…
No idea about the DV software - have you tried BMD support - they were helpful when I got my mini converters and had a similar issue
good luck with the HDMi->component converter - a lot of the cheap ones are poor, but some are ok - even in. the NTSC/PAL space - hope you got one that can change the output resolution to what you want and it works as hoped!!
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Very confusing indeed. As if these things weren’t tricky already. 
Thank you so much!!
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