TBC2 MIDI questions

I got MIDI working via the 16n using MIDI standard A

because 16n can not send out on CC0 and I’m running 1080i that means I can only control the encoder B crossfade. It is still so much easier though.

I hope we will be able to change the A&B sources via MIDI for both encoders at some point.

now I just need to figure out why the media loader hasn’t worked for me yet. I’m formatting from a Mac (12.3.1) with disk utility to FAT32 and loading images into folders. I didn’t put all those folders inside of a media folder.
“/media/folder/frame1.JPG” this line from the documentation leads me to believe that I should try that. I must have missed it the first couple times.

EDIT: Putting the subfolders for TBC2 media into a folder called media did the trick now all the images are loading!