Every Wednesday from 8.00PM to 11-12PM CEST we make live visuals as Pixelflowers. We livestream over house-acid-dark-psychedelic-electronic music, in a collaboration with “Daddies On Acid”, a Berlin-based queer party and a Sound Machine which produces music for darkrooms. We’ve been doing this every Wednesday since March 2020. We also do another similar event every Friday.
URL (only active after 7.55PM CEST): https://live.autistici.org/#daddiesonacid
dark, acid music · independent queer porn · analog glitches
(it can definitely get NSFW! )
Our setup/workflow:
my partner uses Resolume to loop and process selected video footage, my own signal and video feedback. I process their signal with a BPMC Premium Cable, an LZX Vidiot and a Syntonie AVE MOD V2. I also add video feedback, audio interferences and mix everything with Panasonic WJ-AVE5 and Roland Edirol V8 video mixers. A cheap TVCC, TV screens found on the street are also involved. The final output gets to OBS (running on a 4GB RAM Linux computer) through a 15-bucks USB capture card. Since our internet sucks To keep it real, we stream at 700 kbps.