Color displacement

I remember seeing in FB some years ago someone using possibly a malekko audio module for color displacement but as I’m not in FB anymore I can’t check if I can find it.

If I recall correctly it was a buffered attenuverter or something like that. Might have been a VCA as well.

I’d love to get that kind of functionality to my setup. Any recommendations?

Would be cool if the TBC2 had this kind of thing built in.

Do you have any visual examples of what you mean by color displacement or can you try to explain it more?

An attenuverter would just change the amplitude or invert the signal around 0V. A VCA would just change the amplitude of the signal under voltage control.

If the module you’re referring to wasn’t wide bandwidth capable, like most audio modules, the effect it would most likely produce in a video synth patch is a low pass filter which blurs the signal. A purpose-built module for video rate low pass (and hi pass!) filtering is FELT from @Fox. If you’re trying to do direct RGB blurring, you’d need three of them.


Thanks for the reply!

The video I was referring to was of some kind of a vector graphics based computer game material being processed so that iirc the reds were being shifted to the right a little bit.

The module in question might have been the Erogenous Tones VC8. It would be a bit pricey and an overkill for that effect alone. :slight_smile:

This effect is often times used in digitally made trippy videos that imitate analog stuff etc.

I will definitely look into that filter, thanks for the tip!!

Elements of an image shifting to the right in the analog domain is almost certainly a low pass filter.


you can offset individual RGB channels to create this kind of effect
is this the kind of thing you are talking about?

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This is exactly what I mean.
Do you mean offsetting the channels digitally before processing the material with the video synth?

you could do this with something like touchdesigner

in that case you could do it before or after going into the video synth

this video looks like it goes over a version of this effect

Big dream setup would be a triple memory palace so that each channel got its own frame buffer. then you could offset each channel however much you wanted and modulate in realtime. Then you get the added benefits of the entire rest of the 3 instruments!

I think I’ve just given myself an idea for my feedback machine touchdesigner patch…

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Hehehe that would be an insane setup, insanely expensive as well tho.

As I suck with computers it’s something I’m steering away from as much as possible.
Maybe I’ll get two more Curtains somehow for more hands-on rgb processing. :slight_smile:

You can do some basic color channel shifting by putting a delay line in the signal path. Here’s a test I did:

That was just a test with splitting a b&w signal. But you could theoretically run one channel of a component signal into the delay before decoding for this effect on a full-color image.

But those delay line boxes can be a bit pricey once they get up to meaningful delay times (I happened to find one on Ebay at a halfway reasonable price). Definitely cheaper than 3 MemPals though! Albeit far less control.

For precision, this is honestly an effect far easier to achieve in software… I prefer to leverage the native abilities of LZX stuff, splitting off one channel into a Castle Flip Flop or something and then using that blocky image as the “offset” color channel. Two effects for the price of one!