Video about DSG3

Video Synth Tools and Techniques: LZX DSG3 Dual Shape Generator. Tutorial video exploring the many amazing applications of this multi-function video processor.


This is great, thanks a bunch!

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This is awesome thanks for making it!

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Essential viewing! Thanks millions for this gift.

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Nice work yet again. I like the deep dives, and I love more instructional videos about LZX modules existing. When it comes to most modular synth stuff (video or audio), I’m definitely better at learning from video than from text.

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This is some great work, thanks for putting in the time! I currently have Angles and Teletect Analog Logic, but (in addition to the exp/log functions) as you say in the video DSG3 has ease of use going for it, big time.

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Yeah, I seriously considered picking up one of the the last (final?) run of Analog Logic but couldn’t justify the expense. I do have 3x Arch, DSG3, and VU002, so I can do five channels of cycling madness. One more Arch would make two full RGB cycles possible. If one ever comes up for sale I may be unable to resist temptation.

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Arch is feature-packed!

I forgot to ask earlier: what’s the graph view in the upper right corner of both your recent videos? Both the name of the tool and the name of the product.

Also, I was taken with the circular ramp view, and its patterns’ various readouts in the upper right graph view was lovely!

Thanks, you’re looking at a waveform monitor, the standard piece of test equipment for video engineers. Mine is a combined waveform monitor and vectorscope. WFM is mostly for analyzing brightness, vectorscope is for analyzing color. There are many many many products from which to choose, hardware or software. Some broadcast video monitors have WFM and vectorscope built in. They’re included in every pro video editing application. Mine is a CRT, made by Leader, supports high definition video, I believe it was a couple hundred bucks on Ebay.


Fascinating! Man, video is a deep world. Thanks for taking the time!

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