Well you were definitely on the ball, getting the first Video Logic in years!
just happened to wake up early and see the post in the Discord very cool of you all to bring these long lost gems back from the great beyond, even if only in limited quantities!
How do I order? I’d like VBM2, VWG, TVFKG please!
was on the website and it popped up was gone few minutes later.
but i was sure its a failure that it was online without a newsletter, so i dont posted it on the facebook group
Regarding the April 1st update and Chromagnon. I think I’ve read it mentioned that the Chromag will use some of the TBC2 code but is there still a lot more work to do on the Chromagnon’s firmware or just assembly and testing?
All of the above, though most of the firmware work is being completed with TBC2.
But… I received an email offering NOS of the VWG, TVFKG and VBM v2. Was that an April Fool’s joke? I emailed sales immediately, so hopefully if it’s for real I’m in the queue…
pretty sure most of the modules were already sold by the time the e-mail hit. i woke up at 6 AM for some reason (about 4 hrs before the e-mails) and saw folks talking in the Discord about the Video Logic modules. i came straight to the LZX site and searched for “Marble Index” (wishful thinking, lol) and didn’t get any hits but after that i searched “Expedition” and then “Visionary” and when i got hits i clicked thru. VBM, TVFKG and VWG all popped up and all three were marked “Sold out!”
to be clear - just speculating here based on what i saw. could also be that stock was not updated until after that point but given that the Video Logics were already live by then i’d assume the others were too.
if it was just an april fools joke it was chefs kiss good
Well hey, if somebody wants to spend $1000 on a clock divider or $500 on an IP differentiator (I don’t even know what that is), reverb has got your back today! Lol
I’m not certain why the Video Divisions deserves a $700+ markup. Kind of absurd.
IP Differentiators can be printed from @pbalj’s Github: GitHub - Teletect/IP-Differentiator: Eurorack 4hp Sandin IP Differentiator
The Differentiator is a fixed highpass filter bank with 6 inputs that mixes down to an inverted and non-inverted output.
You can tune each input by swapping the capacitors but in the stock config from top to bottom it’s a higher cutoff to a lower cutoff.
With a highpass filter, this means whatever you insert into the top input will only show very fine details/edges/high frequency content and the bottom input will allow slightly less detailed parts of the image through to the output.
The beauty of it is that you can put 6 entirely different sources into it so it’s sort of a fixed filter bank mixer and, of course, you can easily feed one of its outputs back into its inputs for edge ringing effects.
The seller is based in Japan. The mark-up has more to do with import duties and the Dollar/Yen exchange rates. There’s usually a similar type of mark-up for UK, Canada, Australia, EU. The actual markups differ by country (or economic bloc). Usually, when I see a listing that makes me say “da fuk?..”, it’s from a seller based outside of the USA.
That’s interesting, thanks for the info! Sounds like a Worng Soundstage for video, minus vcas.
so it seems that TBC2 orders are shipping!! any idea what order numbers are being processed these days?
TBC2 shipping has not yet begun. Still wrapping the firmware.
ah, ok, was just a bit confused by the screenshot posted earlier. perhaps i should have known, what one sees on a screen is not necessarily an accurate representation of reality haha…
Taken from Facebook discussion 29/04/2021 for those that may have missed it
Lars Larsen
We’re this week entering a pre-flight wrap up/testing phase. It has been a very long perimeter getting here. A few units distributed to more testers arrived this week. I am still tying in a few systems from the Memory Palace app, like MIDI and trigger patching. Luckily that’s all very straightforward and going well. I am ending out today implementing MIDI time code sync (for media player). Many features are only implemented on a surface level for this release; but need to be there for structural reasons – it is a daily struggle to just move on rather than fully implementing. But it does mean that post release development will be that much swifter. If you have any other questions I’m happy to answer – I’m just so embarrassed by the time frame and exhausted by the project to feel like I should have anything to say about it other than “it’s done, now” when it finally is. I can smell fresh air and packing tape, though. The energy here is upbeat, every day progress is made.
To be clear, when I mentioned features – I’m talking about features that are part of the overall engine, but that won’t be part of TBC2’s initial firmware release. I didn’t mean to imply that any of TBC2’s listed features will be dropped.
Lars, from the FB group:
I wish I could share more, day to day. But it’s just been staring at walls of timing data for all the HD formats and peripheral configuration registers the past couple weeks as we get the fine points of the upscaling, downscaling, and deinterlacing working perfectly. Both TBC2 and Chromagnon have full HD/SD cross converters, and those features are the ones where even a small detail can take a couple days to sort out and resolve. Those issues get knocked out one by one and eventually we’re at the end of the road though. And at the end of that road an arts focused business can provide accessibility to some pretty powerful tools. Tools that would have seemed reality-breaking to me 10 years ago. So that is pretty exciting.