Switcher module

I saw the Switcher module appear in the store today and immediately pulled the trigger.

Can someone help a noob by giving some more details about the six inputs?



I’m pretty sure they’re binary. So, you’d have something like this:

A0 A1 result
low low 0
high low 1
low high 2
high high 3

But since the switcher goes from 1-4 instead of 0-3, just add 1 to the result in my table. The resulting number is the same as pressing the buttons above. And you’d have a similar table for B0 and B1.

And I’d guess bar-AEN and bar-BEN are for “disable A” and “disable B”, probably turning off the relevant output when receiving a high signal. (High is anything about 0.5V and low is anything below 0.5V, I think.)

Lars/LZX: Please correct me if I’m wrong!


Thanks for that, it makes sense!

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Check out the LZX Industries account on Twitch, you’ll be pleasantly pleased to find two videos, the 2nd is a highlights vid around 27 minutes long. The other is over an hour :metal:t3:

Edited/Updated to add this URL:


Ah, so according to that 1hr21min video somewhere around the 25 minute mark, I was kind of wrong. A0/A1 and B0/B1 are indeed binary, but whatever they work out to is added to whatever button is pushed. So if the A channel has button 1 pushed, A0=low and A1=high (so 2 in binary) adds 2 to the selected button (button 1 in this example), so it outputs channel 3.


That’s interesting! So if I use some outputs from the Turing Machine or Triple Sloths into the inputs of the Switcher, I expect that I will get an ever changing result of video madness! This is going to be fun. Tracking shows mine will be here on Tuesday, I’m already thinking about patching!


My first thought upon seeing this was that I sorta wished there was also a trigger input for switching to the next channel.


if you have a castle counter you can.


Most any clock divider that has a threshold within 0-1V would do!


Since the video rate switching is somewhat decoupled from the buttons — more a channel offset than straight VC (which is actually pretty awesome) — I guess I was saying it would’ve been cool to also then be able to VC the buttons with a trigger. Such that one could automate the shuffling (like at ~14:35 of the video above).

I know we can’t hug all the cats, but…


these toys are for the 52hp switcher

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Shame there’s no photo of the back of Switcher on the product page. Anyone care to upload one?

A couple of questions have come about it on the LZX Discord server regarding sync. I hadn’t realised until now that it has sync in & out RCA jacks.


Thanks @wednesdayayay :slight_smile:
0007! Wicked S/N!


Sync specifications are listed on your linked webpage.

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Yes, I had read the product page before posting the link to it @brownshoesonly but thanks for trying to answer my question none the less :+1:t3:

Here’s some relevant posts from @creatorlars on the Discord channel #patch-talk about Switcher:

“It switches at video rate bandwidths.
The buttons on the front are latched to VSYNC though, so that you don’t get a mid frame glitch when you press a button.
(Obviously the buttons aren’t video rate, presuming you are operating it with a human finger.)”

“However, if you don’t connect sync to the rear, the FPGA is generating its own VSYNC to latch with.
So if you don’t care about the mid frame glitches, connection to sync is optional.”

“Switcher Sync cheat sheet; Leave sync connected.
If for some reason you are putting the module in an isolated skiff case and don’t want to worry about sync, or you intentionally want glitchy buttons, it’s okay to leave it disconnected.”

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