Well I wouldn’t say I’m confident but I’ve traced the circuit now and as best as I can tell the soldering is good. I did actually find a couple jack lugs that I had missed but fixing that hasn’t changed the problem. It does though make me think it’s more likely something I fucked up than that the atmega isn’t programmed.
I don’t have a programmer and have zero experience programming microcontrollers. Is there a way to verify whether the atmega is programmed? I feel like I’m about as likely to break the thing as I am to fix it and would rather not get into that territory unless I’m quite sure that’s the issue.
EDIT: just read this thread which suggests it may be difficult to verify the atmega without a scope… Perhaps I will need to order up a programmer.
I read the power pins on the ICs and everything seems normal, as far as I can tell:
lm6172 (U1)
VC+: 11.19
VC-: 11.3
LM6172 (U2)
VC-: 11.3
Vcc: 5.05
Vcc: 5.05
Vcc: 5.05
Vcc: 5.05