@wednesdayayay - watch a couple of basic videos on how to solder and then check out diy synth guy on youtube!
get a really basic soldering iron and a cheap kit to practice with (mults or something) - it’s really quite easy - I learnt last september and have built 20 modules - including 5 cadet and 6 castle modules and 3 smd (2 ripples and a buffered mult) virtually everything worked first or second time - one of the ripples is not quite right - but otherwise all ok
the full kit im planning will have pcb panel, pots, knobs, jacks, components (ics, resistors caps etc) a 3x2 header for cortex and a ribbon cable for the rgb expander header.
@luix That circuit should work fine! For the U and V outputs you can follow a similar method. I generally use SPICE simulations to tweak circuits like this until output voltage readings are correct according to RGB input voltages. 5Spice has a free version we’ve used for years, although I’m using Tina more frequently now.
I’ll probably want a PCB+panel at least. Wasn’t planning on getting a visual cortex, but I’ve run into a dead end trying to troubleshoot my cadet sync generator build–so I should probably just buy a vc.
I’ve been running the VC component output back into its Input Decoder, and then out from those 1v RGB outputs into the MemPal. Not so ideal, of course, as I lose that component input. :-/