Yes, I’m planning on expanding over the long term. But in the short term, the $$$ are minimal to nonexistent. I preordered the Chromagnon, so it’s paid for. I’m hesitant to spend on any overlap this year.
I was a little surprised at how much all of the recorder, converters, monitors, cables, etc. added up to. But all of this is paid for, in the rack, and ready to go.
In the past year I’ve put a lot of time and energy into creating software for digital filters, playback control, and digital synthesis of weird patterns. Today I’m working on MIDI control of the playback for simple things like play, pause, rewind, jog, and play speed forward + reverse. This will allow me to use a BeatStep Pro to control up to three playback input streams either independently or in sync with one another.
So I think the short term answer will be a second FGK3 and VU003B to let me take advantage of the three input streams with the FKG3 + SMX3 I already have. That would keep me busy until Chromagnon arrives if I don’t have the $$$. If I do, that’s great and I can expand. So many choices, DWO3, DSG3, and Swatch look awesome but I’ll have to wait and see.
Fox Shutter also a good option for switching between RGB channels. Only hard keys, not soft or mixes, but since each channel has its own switch input, you can get some results not possible with FKG. Very affordable if you solder and can build it yourself.
And I always recommend people take a close look at the Castles. I think a few of those are some of my favorite modules.
I’ve received my first client payment the other day. Funny how things go from “we’re in a hurry” to “we need to wait a bit” in business.
In honor of having a little $$$, I’ve ordered a Swatch, VU003B, and VU001C. Also a bunch of cables and stuff. I will finally start feeding some video into the rack and playing. The real fun begins when the TBC2 arrives!
It’s been a couple of months and the new business is doing well. I’ve billed a bunch, but as usual the payments are very slowly coming in. Nothing new there it’s just part of the business.
Since I’ve last posted I’ve added a second FKG3, DWO3, DGS3, and Proc. I exchanged my Chromagnon preorder for the last three. I’m happy making videos and soon will have a TBC2 in the rack as well. I just posted my first video using the new modules on the FB group page.
I’m still lusting for more modules I’m thinking Keychain and a pair of Procs for the next phase. Now that I have one Proc, I understand how very useful they are! But I have to wait for the payments to come in, so it may take a while. Overall I’m growing the rack faster than expected!
congrats on getting your system moving in the right direction!
Proc is an immensely useful module. My second should be arriving on Monday.
the first thing I’m going to patch up with it is a dual shape gen workflow based on this patch
Excellent! I’m starting to understand the process flows now that I have some more modules. I feel like a kid with new toys!
Since my earlier post today, I got an email from my client. Hopefully I will be receiving more payments soon. And that means more $$$$ for modules, both video and audio!
Payday! My client has paid up, so I ordered a Contour and Keychain. This has been a better year than expected, hope to add more over time. Hopefully a TBC2 will be coming this summer, too!