Just wondering if this section of Visual Cortex is dedicated to syncronization tasks or are there different ways it can be used, perhaps for video processing or shape manipulating?
Admin note: This topic was a question originally asked by Travis at the former LZX Knowledgebase
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Great question! The short answer: not really. But you still want to have them available.
The syncs themselves are never viewable, because they are active only during the portions of the video signal that aren’t displayed.
Some exceptions and experiments:
- You can run the syncs thru audio filters to get blurs and streaks that leak into the display area.
- You can patch the syncs to audio oscillators to see if they behave in a stable manner when used as synchronized video oscillators.
- With logic modules, such as the LZX Castle series, syncs are often used as the clock or reset inputs to counters, and come into more practical use there.
The Frame clock output can be used as a modulation source to force an interlaced “double image” type behavior! You could also send it to a clock divider and use the divisions for animation timing that is quantized to the frame rate count.