Rotation patch with Cadet, Foxing Hour, Syntonie and Visible Signals

Me and @rempesm decided to try to do the rotation patch using all cadet and other DIY modules, I thought I would share the patch. The gainbrains have the 2 resistor mod mentioned here

In video the Gamma’s output is sent through a Castle ADC and sent to each color channel


Nice work! Any chance you can explain what’s happening? I can piece together what some of it is doing though I get lost on the Processors and Gain Brains. I assume they’re doing some multiplication, but I don’t quite follow.

This is following the formula:
X = (H_ramp * sin) + (V_ramp * cos)
Y = (V_ramp * sin) + (H_ramp * -cos)
sin = 0
cos = 90
-cos = 270

  1. The H and V ramps are ran through processors to scale them to +1/-1 range
  2. We do all of this multiplication within the gain brain following the forumla above
  3. Sum the two parts to get our X and Y value using the Dual A+B-C
  4. Offset the voltage back to 0-1 range in Access.
  5. Lastly we rectify the signals to turn the ramp into a triangle, otherwise we won’t get the square shape in the end
  6. I ran them into an expo/log after to get a more interesting shape than a square, then that through a ADC gave me the three color channels

If you are interested in a more in depth analysis @rempesm wrote one in the LZX discord patch talk channel.

Hope that helps make sense of it